Advanced Features

Here are more advanced features provided in PySytream. These features are demonstrated in the demo notebook.

1. Pipeline Profiling

You can use built-in pipeline profiler to get the information about latency and throughput of your pipeline. To create pipeline with active profiler, you only need to specify use_profiler as True when instantiate the pystream.Pipeline class:

pipeline = pystream.Pipeline(input_generator=lambda: 0, use_profiler=True)

And then you can get the profiling results by invoking get_profiles method of the pipeline. The method will return the recorded throughput and latency of the pipeline as python dictionary:

latency, throughput = pipeline.get_profiles()

Here is a sample result of latency:

    'MainPipeline': 2.0981452222222226,
    'MainPipeline__ChildPipeline': 0.3867601444444446,
    'MainPipeline__ChildPipeline__StageA': 0.19366966666666485,
    'MainPipeline__ChildPipeline__StageB': 0.1930631444444444,
    'MainPipeline__Stage1': 0.20863497777777618,
    'MainPipeline__Stage2': 0.20957296666666755

Each item’s key represents a stage/pipeline whereas the value represents the latency in seconds. Double underscores __ is used as the saparator between sub-pipeline levels (useful in mixed pipeline). The overall pipeline data are always named as MainPipeline. That name can be changed in the future, but you can access it programatically from pystream.MAIN_PIPELINE_NAME. The throughput has the same format as latency, but the values are presented in data/second format.

Note that the profiler use a SQLite database to store the latency and throughput records. You can get the database directory location by invoking pystream.get_profiler_db_folder(). You can specify custom database directory by invoking pystream.set_profiler_db_folder(dir_path). Note that you need to set the custom directory before creating the pipeline.

2. Mixed Pipeline

You can also create pipeline inside another pipeline. This feature is useful if you want to:

  • Group your stages into several sub-pipelines

  • Mix serial and parallel pipelines, e.g., create serial pipeline inside parallel pipeline.

In order to do that, you need to convert the sub-pipeline into a stage, which can be done easily by using as_stage method of pystream.Pipeline. Here is an example:

# create serial sub-pipeline
sub_pipeline = pystream.Pipeline()
# add normal stages
# serialize

# create parallel main pipeline
main_pipeline = pystream.Pipeline(use_profiler=True)
# add normal stages
# add sub-pipeline as stage
# parallelize